Newsletter December 2016

Dates to Remember:

Dec. 20 7 PM Historic Green St. Church “Christmas Sing A Long” with The Englewood Little Band of Writers. If you play an instrument, feel free to join in and play with the Band.

Jan. 24 7 PM Historic Green St. Church Regular Meeting and Program

Feb. 11 Cracker Fair 10 AM to 4PM

Feb. 28 7 PM Historic Green St. Church Regular Meeting and Program

Mar. 28 7 PM Historic Green St. Church Regular Meeting and Program

April 25 7 PM Historic Green St. Church Regular Meeting and Program


November Meeting:

At the November meeting, the following Directors were elected to the Board, Don Bayley; Charlie Hicks; Esther Horton and Janet Landis. Charlie and Esther have served for years and we welcome Don and Janet. Also at the November meeting, Dr. John Flowers, Englewood’s first dentist and a well-known photographer, gave a humorous recollection of his years in Englewood. The early part of his practice was mainly pulling teeth and he decided he wanted to save teeth so he educated the citizens on proper dental hygiene. Thank you, Dr. Flowers. Dentists were few and far between on the southwest coast of Florida at that time. Englewood was very lucky to have his services.



Dues are due. Please send your check for single – $15, family – $20 to LBHS, P.O. Box 1245, Englewood, FL 34295.

Come to the December meeting, join in the Sing A Long, check out our new Christmas tree, pay your dues and get in the Christmas spirit.


Art Show:

The OEVA Art Show was Dec. 3 & 4, 10 AM to 4PM. Thank you to all who worked at our booth. Set up and take down, Charlie Hicks, Dwayne Karsten and the Garretts. Manning the booth, Don Bayley, Janet Landis, Cathy Mrasak, Linda Schilke and Nancy Wille. The Art Show was the debut of our revised “Then and Now” book. Nancy Wille worked very hard taking pictures of scenes that had changed since the first publication in 2011 as well as reshooting some pictures that were a little fuzzy. She is a talented person as well as a great asset to the Board. The book’s debut at the Art Show almost didn’t happen. Nancy sent it to the printer and was assured it would be ready for the show. When she received the books on Wednesday before the show, they were printed incorrectly. The wrong button had been pushed at the printers. Oops! Alta Systems Inc. in Gainesville reprinted the books and overnighted them so we had them on Friday.



Check out the web site, Don Bayley has done a great job of updating the site. There is also a link to Lemon Bay Fest, Cracker Fair vendors’ applications, Dessert Contest entries and information on the Society. Thank you Don.


Future Programs/Cracker Fair:

Esther Horton would welcome any suggestions for future programs. Cracker Fair is happening on February 11, 2017. Please put it on your calendars and volunteer to help.